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How a Coffee Enema Works

How does a coffee enema work and why coffee and not tea?  It is the caffeine in coffee that is so therapeutic as it has been found to open up the bile ducts in the liver thereby increasing bile production and flow.

Tea does not have the same effect.This is likely because the caffeine in tea binds to the tannins and L-theanine, a water soluble amino acid, at the time it is brewed. These bonds prevent the caffeine from directly opening the bile ducts as they would have to be metabolized digestively to free up the caffeine first. Since an enema bypasses the digestive process, tea is ineffective compared with coffee for therapeutic enema purposes.

Max Gerson MD, founder of the famed Gerson Institute for holistic cancer treatment, found that the root cause of cancer is extreme toxicity and nutritional deficiency. In order to detoxify rapidly (before the cancer kills you), the liver must be stimulated to release toxins in large quantities. He found that this rapid detoxification is best encouraged via coffee enema where the unbound caffeine is absorbed from the descending colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal vein and the liver. The caffeine quickly and very effectively stimulates the liver and biliary ducts to open, which release both metabolic and environmental toxins into the intestinal tract for elimination.

According to the journal Physiological Chemistry and Physics, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.”

Interestingly, those sensitive to coffee taken orally typically have no problem with a coffee enema. The bypassing of the digestive process and the infusion of coffee rectally only for the purpose of liver stimulation, toxin release and blood cleansing makes all the difference. Absorption of the coffee into the bloodstream is very low when doing a coffee enema.

Coffee Enema is for Detoxification Not Constipation

It is important not to get coffee enema confused with a plain water enema. Plain water enemas are a helpful therapy for elimination of the bowels and issues with constipation.

Coffee enemas, on the other hand, are used for detoxification of the liver and blood especially in holistic cancer treatments. Two helpful substances found in coffee, kahweol and cafestol palmitate, promote the activity of a key enzyme system responsible for neutralizing free radicals, glutathione S-transferase, at much higher than normal levels. This system according to Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, “must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification.”

It is believed that kahweol and cafestol palmitate increase the liver’s production of glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants, by as much as 700%.

In addition, theophylline and theobromine, two other beneficial chemicals in coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The palmitates are responsible for stimulating the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the blood. Finally, the fluid of the enema itself stimulates the visceral nervous system to promote peristalsis and the rapid transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and out the rectum.

Coffee Enema for Pain

Coffee enemas are not only a powerful detoxification protocol easily accessible to anyone, they are extremely helpful for pain management as well.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson MD writes that the following is from an article in Healing Newsletter, NL#13, May-June, 1986. By Gar Hildenbrand:

The coffee enema may have been first used in modern Western nations as a pain reliever.  As the story goes, during World War I nurses kept coffee pots on the stove all day long.  Battle surgeons and others drank it to stay awake while working horrendously long hours.  Enema bags hung around as some patients needed help moving their bowels.

Pain medications were in short supply.  Doctors were forced to save the pain drugs for surgical procedures, with little or none for follow-up after surgery.  When surgical patients woke up from operations without the benefit of further morphine injections, they would scream in pain and agony from the surgery.  They were also constipated from the anesthesia drugs.

As the story goes, one day a nurse was preparing an enema for constipation.  Instead of fetching water for the enema, she accidentally dumped some cool coffee into the patient’s enema bag, undid the release clamp, and into the patient it flowed.  “I’m not in so much pain,” the poor soldier said.  The nurse took notice, and thus began the use of coffee enemas to help control pain.

There is also significant anecdotal evidence of migraine headache relief from coffee enemas. Some conventional doctors even recommend their regular use for pain management for cancer patients.


A few disclaimers:

  1. Coffee is not provided on the first session.

  2. Coffee is brilliant for many health conditions. Self-administered is the only way this implant is available.

  3. There is so much literature on coffee enemas, but this one I find to be resourceful as it lists references for the information presented (for those who need data to justify a decision/choice.)



  6. We must first irrigate the colon so that bowel is properly prepared.

  7. The session lasts 15-45 minutes beyond your appointment time. Each individual is different in the time they need, giving yourself an additional 30-45 minutes should be sufficient.  The coffee is prepared in advance with the 12 minute technique, strained and prepared that day for your session.  But please, feel free to do these at home to optimize your time/money resource!

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