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Contraindications, Precautions & Side Effects

In order to experience this life-giving therapy, we must make sure there are no contraindications for colon hygiene.  Please review this list.  You will be asked to affirm that you do not currently present with any of these symptoms.


Contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy


  • Cancer of the colon or GI (gastro intestinal) tract.

  • Acute abdominal pain (please call us to clarify).

  • Recent history of GI or rectal bleeding.

  • Congestive heart failure.

  • Uncontrolled hypertension.

  • History of seizures.

  • Carcinoma of the rectum.

  • Abdominal surgery*

  • Intestinal perforation.

  • Abdominal hernia.

  • Recent colon or rectal surgery.

  • Diverticulitis.

  • Recent heart attack.

  • General debilitation.

  • Vascular aneurism.

  • Renal insufficiency.

  • Epilepsy or psychoses.

  • Severe hemorrhoids.

  • Cirrhosis.

  • Fissures or fistula.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Ulcerative colitis.

  • Acute Crohn’s disease.

  • Rectal or abdominal tumors.


    * Please call us to inquire about your situation as this does not apply to all surgeries:

If you have any of these contraindications you may still be eligible to receive colon hygiene once they have subsided or been eliminated. As well, nutrition consultations can provide you insight and a reasonable plan to address many of your digestive or reproductive challenges.


Contraindications/Cautions for Ionic Footbath


  • Surgical Electrical Implants - includes pacemaker, TENS unit, cochlear implant, etc.  It does NOT include metal pins, plates or rods or other metallic implants.  These types of implants are fine for foot baths.

  • Heartbeat Regulating Medication

  • Pregnant or Breast Feeding - it is suggested to wait for 2 months after childbirth or until breast feeding is complete.

  • Organ Transplant Recipient - when you use any kind of anti-rejection medication.  Medications can be drawn out during a foot bath and therefore is not recommended in this type of situation.

  • Medications - where the absence of which would mentally or physically incapacitate.  Medications can be drawn out during a foot bath and therefore is not recommended in this type of situation.

  • Low Weight/Children - if you weigh less than 95 pounds, start with 15 minutes sessions and work up to full sessions as tolerated.

  • Open Sores - you may experience discomfort if you have a wound or sore on your feet or ankles for the first few minutes.  You can do the session, but you may prefer to wait.

  • Diabetes/Dialysis/Congestive Heart Failure - as a general rule, it may be used by persons on dialysis or by those diagnosed with diabetes or congestive heart failure; however, person with these conditions should consult their physician prior to implementing the ion body detox and cleanse foot spas as part of their wellness program.


Contraindications/Cautions for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  • ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATION: Untreated Pneumothorax (collapsed Lung) The True ONLY absolute contraindication to HBOT is a collapsed lung, it is important that your doctor checks for this, or the potential for this happening during pressurization.

  • Relative Contraindications: Pregnancy - Contact your doctor and discuss the risks vs benefits to undergoing hyperbaric therapy at this time.  Typically, doctors will advise waiting until after the pregnancy period is complete. However, if the benefits outweigh the potential risks, then your doctor may advise beginning hyperbaric therapy at this time. Make sure that you have been fully informed about potential risks before making your decision 

  • Cautions: Ears or Sinus Disease/Surgery/Congestion (difficulty on airplanes, cold/flu) 

    • ​You may experience pressure building up in your ears/sinus regions (similar to decent on an airplane flight).

    •  Important that you communicate with your hyperbaric therapist during each session and simply let your attendant know and they should be able to stop the pressurization and wait until the pressure subsides.

    • Your hyperbaric attendant should also give you tips to help clear this build up of pressure.

    • You may also want to take a decongestant about 30 minutes before hyperbaric therapy but first ask your doctor.

    •  ACUTE Upper Respiratory Infection — Considered Relative contraindication (stay home and rest) 

  • Cautions: Claustrophobia 

    • ​ ​Claustrophobia can increase your levels of anxiety, and subsequently cause you to have stress-related reactions, including your heart rate to increase.

    • This is NOT from the hyperbaric procedure itself, but instead from the physiological stress reaction caused by being in a closed-in space.

    • Talk to your doctor and/or hyperbaric attendant to help you minimize potential stress-related reactions. 

  • Cautions: Blood Pressure or taking Blood Pressure Medications

    • Blood pressure should be under control before starting hyperbaric therapy.

    • Talk to your health care provider for controlling blood pressure either through medication or diet and lifestyle modifications.

    • Screening for vitals (ie checking blood pressure) should be performed before each hyperbaric session if you are on blood pressure medication.

  • Cautions: Diabetes, Poor Blood Sugar, Uncontrolled High Fevers, Seizures 

    • HBOT can sensitize INSULIN LEVELS and effectively lower blood sugars.

    • This is a concern for those suffering from hypoglycemia. More seriously for diabetes who administer insulin injection right before entering HBOT

    • Make sure that you have something to eat at least 20 minutes before your hyperbaric session

    • SEIZURE DISORDERS — HBOT at high dosages, can induce seizure activity. The chances of this happening are 1 in 10,000. In saying that, it is related to oxygen toxicity and is a one-time event and will not induce any chronic epileptic state.

    • Hyperbaric-induced seizures are typically caused by low blood sugars or are heat-induced Therefore, to reduce the risk of seizure, it is advised to EAT some before HBOT & CHECK BODY TEMP before HBOT for potential fever

  • Cautions: Lung Disease, COPD, emphysema, chest surgery                                                                                                         

    • Your doctor should check the integrity of your lungs and send for an X-ray if there is any suspicion of a ‘pulmonary bleb’ or pneumonia and check for bullae and pneumothoraces

    • If you have, or are at risk for, a collapsed lung, then your doctor will need to insert a chest tube before you can begin hyperbaric oxygen therapy

    • Recent chest surgery — have your doctor check to make sure that there are no gas pockets or air trapping lesions from your history of thoracic surgery

    • If you have severe asthma, then talk to your doctor or hyperbaric therapist about taking your short acting inhalers inside the hyperbaric chamber with you, in case of an emergency

    • Chest X-Ray clear for pulmonary blebs 

  • Cautions: Heart Disease (CHF)                                                                                                                                                         

    • Please see your doctor before starting hyperbaric therapy & have them check your ejection fraction (EF).

    •  Generally speaking, hyperbaric is not performed with EF values below 30, due to potential back up of fluids into the lungs.

    • Sitting up inside the chamber during the treatment session will help reduce fluid buildup to the lungs 

  • Cautions: Cataracts / Any eye disease currently being treated                                                                                                   

    • Cataract warning: There are some reports that repetitive HBOT can SPEED UP formation of cataracts.

    • ★ Note, HBOT has NOT been shown to CAUSE cataracts. Consider antioxidants

    • Myopia — repetitive HBOT may temporarily worsen myopia (change in vision) & resolves after completion

    • ★ Note, for those wearing prescription eye glasses, it is best not to change unless very noticeable

    • Talk to your doctor or hyperbaric therapist before starting hyperbaric therapy for any eye disorder 

  • Cautions: Cancer                                                                                                                                                                               

    • Hyperbaric oxygen should NOT BE USED as a primary or stand-alone treatment for cancer.

    • HBOT can be used alongside current & conventional therapies — Research has shown positive benefits

    • Some chemo drugs may be contraindicated during HBOT and should be evaluated for safety by doctor

    • Please talk to your doctor and/or hyperbaric therapist about this before starting any hyperbaric sessions 

  • Cautions: Implanted Medical Devices (DBS, Pacemaker, etc.)                                                                                                     

    • It is always good to check with your doctor about going in for hyperbaric therapy if you have an electronically-implanted medical device.

    • New devices are typically rated for pressures below 2.0 ATA are generally well-tolerated and do not pose any concerns

    • Always check with device manufacturer for psi pressure rating and for hyperbaric approval 

  • Cautions: Medically Being Treated or on Medications                                                                                                                   

    • As a treatment, HBOT should only be used for the FDA approved indications (Altitude Sickness)

    • All other conditions are considered off-label —★ If being used for general health and wellness, then think if it as taking an oxygen supplement

    • ★ All medications should be reviewed by a qualified physician for any interaction with HBOT (sensitization) 

      •       Medications: Risk Reduction Procedures Safety Screening Questionnaire Always have medication checked for potential interaction If unsure or to be safe, refrain from use 3 hours before or 3 hours after HBOT and precautions for: CNS sensitizing drugs or CNS stimulants (ie, narcotics, adrenaline, caffeine, amphetamines, thyroxine, insulin, respirine, iselin, aminophylline,) Chemo drugs (ie, bleomycin theoretical doxorubicin cardiac toxicity cis-platinum impaired wound healing disulfiram Wait 3 to 4 months to reduce chemo drug/hyperbaric interaction  


The World Federation of Ozone therapy produced a paper, describing a few instances to avoid ozone therapy. 

  • Patients with a significant deficiency of G-6PD, a genetic disorder that accentuates the breakdown of red blood cells.

  • Pregnancy

  • Blood coagulation issues, anemia

  • Serious cardio-vascular instability 

They go on to say that when ozone therapy is used judiciously and correctly, it is unlikely to cause complications or issues.


Contraindications And Reasons To Avoid Ozone Ear Insufflation:

These potential contraindications are generally the only reasons a practitioner would avoid ozone ear insufflation in their clinic:

  • Punctured Eardrum

  • Pregnancy

  • Ozone sensitivity or allergy


Contraindications and side effects of Ozone Sinus Insufflation:

  • Asthma 

Due to the slight chance of inhaling ozone - causing a severe coughing reaction due to the pollutants in the lungs becoming oxidized from the exposure to ozone.

Knowing the benefits out way the risks, be forewarned the nose technique starts to oxidize toxins immediately, so you often get a runny nose afterwards for some time and quite a bit of phlegm could come out.


Precautions/Things To Look Out For with Rectal Insufflation:

  • Rectal ozone is a powerful systemic treatment.  It is recommended you avoid doing both an IV and rectal ozone treatment on the same day.

  • Herxheimer reaction (detox/healing response) is possible after a rectal ozone treatment.  This is manifested in excessive fatigue, abdominal cramping, rash, lymph drainage, and/or fever/chills.   

  • If you believe you are having a “Herx reaction”, discontinue ozone treatment for 4-7 days and allow the system to reset.  Then start off on ½ as much gamma and time as previously administered.   Next, titrate back up to the original amount over a timeframe determined by the practitioner.  There are a number of protocols to help prevent somebody from developing a Herxheimer reaction. Starting any Ozone insufflation therapy is best to start "low and slow!"

  • Mucus in the stool could be an indicator you are doing too high of an ozone treatment and could get relief from a lower amount of ozone (both from volume and gamma).


Is there anyone who should NOT use Flowpresso®?

We do not recommend Flowpresso® for people with the following conditions:

• Acute inflammation (e.g. phlebitis and thrombosis)

• Infection complications (e.g. ulcers)

• Pregnancy

• Back or hip issues (unless approved by a physician)

• Broken bones

• Abdominal spinal curvature

• Congestive heart failure


Red Light Therapy

CAUTIONS: Use of skin creams before treatment may cause localized heating when applying the Celluma Pro panel. Adjustment of the panel position may all that is needed to improve the experience or terminate treatment early if the temperature is uncomfortable.


  • No use on breasts or stomach or pregnant or breast feeding women.

  • Do not use on infants or children.

  • Not advised for people with epilepsy or history of seizures.

  • Avoid use when taking cortisone injections or any other kind of steroid injections.

  • Avoid use if client is using photosensitizing drugs

  • Do not perform LED therapy over known cancer tumor or metastasis.


Lymph Node Release Therapy

CAUTIONS: Varicose Veins, Open skin, wounds and sores (all these areas would be worked around during therapy)

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Blood Clots, Congestive Heart Failure, Cancer, Infections (e.g.: Celluitis/spider bite), Pregnancy (1st Trimester), or any medical condition that practitioner is unsure if this therapy could be adverse.

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